Named #2 Strongest Midsize Bank of 2020
Ranked among top 5 strongest midsize banks in Kansas City with $250 million to $1 billion in assets
As your local community bank, our mission of helping others build a better financial future focuses on both the communities we serve and the lasting relationships we create. We're thrilled to continue our century of service to Kansas City as one of the strongest midsize banks.
Read more about our ranking below from the Kansas City Business Journal's April 2021 article.
First Federal Bank of Kansas City has been growing at a decent clip the past few years, but it’s been doing it safely, making high-quality loans. With a loan portfolio of $555.7 million, the largest in the top five, it still only had a 0.35% problem-loan rate. Combining that relatively clean portfolio with a core-capital ratio of 14.78% makes this an incredibly strong bank. (Previous: Unranked in 2020)
Judging criteria:
The rankings were determined using six categories, in the following order of significance:
- Problem-loan ratio shows the percentage of loans in a bank’s portfolio that are 90 days past due or no longer accruing interest at the stated rate. The more problem loans a bank accrues, the weaker it becomes. This is the category first used to sort all the banks in each size group for comparison.
- Texas ratio measures the credit problems of a bank. It is determined by adding up the problem loans and dividing them by a bank’s equity capital and loan-loss reserves. The smaller the number, the better. If a bank has a Texas ratio that exceeds 100%, it’s in serious jeopardy of being shut down by regulators. We use the Texas ratio to separate banks with similar problem-loan ratios.
- Core-capital ratio measures the amount of reserves a bank sets aside. Banks are required to hold a minimum of 6.5% core capital in reserve to be considered well capitalized by regulators. The more core capital a bank has, the better it can handle problems, so this is a category that carries heft in the rankings.
- Equity capital is capital set aside that is free of debt and available to be used in the interest of the business. Equity capital gives a bank versatility to continue making loans and seeking growth, so the more a bank has, the stronger it becomes.
- Income is used to gauge a bank’s prospects for a strong future. A bank might have few problem loans and large capital reserves, yet still be losing money. So it isn’t going to be as strong in the long run as a bank that is profitable.
- Total loans and leases are used to help separate banks with similar numbers, giving more emphasis to the banks with larger portfolios. The more loans a bank has, the more impressive a low problem-loan ratio becomes.
Dornbrook, James. “Kansas City’s Five Strongest Midsize Banks of 2020.”, 6 Apr. 2021,