How Playing The Guitar Can Teach You How To Save Money

Have you wanted to learn how to play an instrument? Holy cow, it can be a tough thing to do! You put hours and hours of practice in and you could still be miles from your goal. I don’t know about you, but that can be incredibly frustrating!

Did you know the same thing can be said about saving money?

Today, we’re going to look at the techniques used when learning to play an instrument, in this case a guitar, can be applied to saving money.

The first technique is consistency.

Even the great Eddie Van Halen had to start from the beginning. In order to get better, you are going to have to practice over and over again consistently.

It’s the same with saving money.

To see the numbers in your account go up, it’s going to take you being consistent on cutting back on unnecessary spending, sticking to a budget, and being smart with your money.

Second technique goes hand in hand with consistency and it’s time.

You’re not going to become a guitar master overnight. It’s going to take a long time and a lot of practice.

I’m sorry guys, there’s no get rich quick scheme that works. If there was, everyone would be doing it and we’d all be rich.

Getting money into your bank account is going to take time, and depending on how much you’re wanting to save, it could take a decent amount of time. What you can do is follow these techniques and set yourself up for short and long term saving success.

The final technique is to pick the way that works best for you.

Everyone has their own preferences when playing an instrument. For guitar players, some musicians like to sit when they play, others use a pick while some prefer to use their fingers, and certain people like to wear a guitar strap while others don’t.

The technique is the same with money. Does budgeting work better for you when you write it down than using an app? Write it down. Do you find more success saving when you use one of the creative ways to save that I talk about in my 5 Creative Ways To Save video? Keep doing that. There’s no “one size fits all” way when it comes to saving. What works for someone else may not work for you and vice versa. Try different ways and see which one you like best and keep doing that.


Lets face it, I wish I could say, “Do this super secret thing and you will save thousands of dollars by tonight” but that’s not how it works.

Saving money and learning to play an instrument are very similar because it can be very hard and it can take a long time and a lot of work. But, if you approach them the same way, by being consistent and finding the way that works best for you, then I bet over time, you’ll start seeing the results you’re wanting.

If you haven’t already, watch the video on this topic then subscribe to our YouTube channel. You can find lots of great tips for navigating your finances and you might learn a thing or two along the way. You may even end up with a little extra cash in your pocket thanks to what you learn. Give it a try, there is nothing to lose. As always, thank you for trusting us.

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